Teaparty Trio: Chocolate-almond cookies, Zingy Palmiers and Versatile Sponge

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art…. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”  C.S. Lewis Baking true classics never really goes out of fashion…Nowadays the household veterans live through their fancy, sexy, new-old Renaissance, but , really, they are at their best without any […]

Rising (to the Challenge): Homemade Danish Pastry

“Just living is not enough… one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” Hans Christian Andersen Danish pastry, called wienerbrød in Danish is a laminated yeast-leavened dough, with a texture similar to puff pastry. The origin of the Danish pastry is known to be related to the 1850 strike that forced the Danish bakery owners […]

Orange, Ginger and Cinnamon Palmiers

“Mangez bien, riez souvent, aimez beaucoup!” – “Eat well, laugh often, love abundantly.” French Saying The name of the Palmier cookies mean “palm tree” in French, called so for their shape resembling a palm leaf. Palmiers are made by rolling a sheet of puff pastry in sugar, and folding it twice in opposite directions.The name suggests […]